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Monday, December 26, 2011

Man's Quest for Happiness!

Everybody was always seeking for happiness in many angles and corners in life, be it on a person, in a work, and even on places. People jump from one decision to another in search of true meaning of life where happiness lies. When man is finally in the verge of happiness, eventually he will seek for more and willfully budge on another adventure that will add to his happiness. And when what he is doing is not answering his need for happiness, he will end up sad, alone and crying. It’s because, man by nature is not contented. That’s why, searching for real happiness is some kind of just only a page of a book, only one climax, all the rest are just expositions, then, the end is denouement . In fact, sometimes, the ending is a question, leading to another episode in life, sometimes, comedy, and worst-tragedy.

Our life is like that. Even if traverse the road where we think is right, sometimes the road is not ours. So we are in the wrong track. Oftentimes, in the world where we are confronted with many obstacles, we tend to take the instant giver of happiness that somehow ruin our life, such as vices, abuse, alcohol etc… all these are just depressant, they make us experience ecstasy, but when it subsides, we are again doomed into a life full of hate and bitterness where happiness has no room to stay in our heart. The most frustrating part is when, we take the road less travelled, where we stumble on big stones , tormented with sharp grasses and clean up the road to leave a good trace, sometime, life is just harsh enough that  all the effort are just left in vain. You may think that you have finally found happiness, but no, because other forces pull you down and made you unhappy.

It is said, happiness is choice. True, it is  a wise choice. However, when deciding what to do and what to decide, whether to buy an ice cream or a chocolate, to stay or to go to party, to accept or not to accept an offer, etc, first, believe or not, our decision is cored in the yearning to be happy, or at least happier than now. Second, there’s a good chance that the decision we jump into, may be wrong, thus, it will make us unhappy. There’s only two greater chances that shares the same probability-to get happiness or unhappiness. A coin somehow will not stand as you throw. You know what I mean.

According to Harvard Psychologist, its not for the lack of trying. The declaration of Independence affirms that we have an inalienable right to pursue happiness. See? We look for newer, fresher, bigger, cutest, finest, the best, stuff like that. But many of us believe that “ stuffs” can’t buy happiness. For most, man’s imagination is positioned to think of happy-ever-after scenarios. But neither sadness and joy will last long as we expect. Because even those who sleep with money on their bed, don’t guarantee total happiness. Remember, happiness has many levels. It depends on how much you love things, people, events. Accordingly, you can’t love without happiness and you can’t be happy without love in some degree.

So.. to sum it up, happiness is just within us. Those outside forces were just stimulus that even our response can be manipulated. If “they” can’t make us happy, we can make other things happy from and of us. We can make insignificant  things bring about happiness by simply appreciating that thy exist. The cheapest cell phone that we have, unless damaged, serves its purpose to let us connect to our love ones, thus, it deserves to get a good smile from us. The simple food that we share on the table(  while others don’t have food to eat)  should at least make us appreciate life, happy that we can make our stomach full each day. The people who stayed with us, lovingly cared for us, emptying themselves for us, are worth millions of happiness, why? because you can’t just find these on the road like candy wraps.

Happiness is indeed within us, We only have to appreciate things as they are. It is not found anywhere. It’s just right before our eyes that we don’t notice. It’s just right on our nose that our eyes can’t see but can feel.
( PS. I will sleep happily now )

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