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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Expecting - The Bottom line is Love

           Let’s now be serious and sober of looking backward on scenarios on the valid reason why we EXPECT  from things- from our job, friendship, and especially on relationship-be it ordinary or romantic attachments.
          First, here are the common questions leading to the answer. What do we expect? What are to be expected? What did we do to make us expect? How and what do other people say  to make us expect from them? Tough ahuhh..
           It’s so ironic to say that we should love without expecting something in  return. Well, we are not angels fallen from heaven  who believed in a dogmatic kind of relationship. Because in the real sense, we expect because we invested our Mind, Heart and Soul. Let me cite  to you some commonplace situations to get across the vista of issue of expectation.
          We empty our self to our work to get gratification and satisfaction. IF we are not satisfied, then why do we demand?  Who else here would say, “I just would love to work even paid less. This is only germane for those rich whose work is just  a play. This is where expecting comes.
          In a relationship, we expect because our time and effort are equally important as money.  Who else would love to just be ignored by a person, a boyfriend, or a girlfriend, husband and wife,  after fetching her/him, after helping out on his/her works, after involving ourselves to meet deadlines which is not ours but theirs? Who else here would be happy , when the person is around during his difficult time and gone with the wind when we need him, and eventually we hear his merriment with other people while we are left behind, waiting for his call, wondering what happen, not even a single text? Oh common,,, Remember, there are 24 hours a day. 60 minutes an hour and it wouldn’t take a minute to say “ I am just here” Here is where expectation comes in
            In mathematical probability theory, expectation is the value of  every action. We expect because it’s the value of our action.  When we act, we consider the ups and downs that we encounter, we look from right to left  hazards before we the step and most of all every action is a risk and every  risk involves our HEART , MIND and SOUL.  That’s we expect.
          On the other side of the coin, perhaps the discussion is somehow connected to the ASSURANCE that people pledged , that’s why we expect. Do they also realized, we expect because they assure us? And How many promised are broken each day? How many assurances are failed? How many lies are there from people who have mastered this art?
           Your attitude is an expression of your values, beliefs and expectations." This quote by Brian Tracy, a self-help author and motivational speaker, . says it all. It all boils down into REAL LOVE. Why? Because if  our employers  LOVE us in return, they would never fail to provide us with ample benefits that we so we deserve from working hard. If our partner, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband , and wife truly love us, THEY would never act anything that would disappoint us. We will never demand for more if we are gratified. And we wont expect for more, if we felt we are treated special and LOVED.
            May God Bless Us ALL!


  1. Pls feel free to leave a message, maybe some impression or even your simple reflection after reading.. Thanks! I would appreciate so much!

  2. "Promises are made to be broken" I do agree with this statement. Many of us say things which we don't mean to say. We often neglect it since its the usual thing we do. However, we forget that we hurt someone's feelings for we did not fulfill what is to be fulfilled.

    For example in a relationship, Lovers can't evade making promises to each other. In fact, it takes days, weeks, months or even years for those words that came out from their mouth be pursue.Expectations from both sides were like dust in the wind. Just blow it off and it is all gone.However, the trust you have invested was lost. Why? Because you don't have one word.

    That's the time you experience bitterness for you are assured by the person you love about those matters and in just a blink of an eye it's gone like bubbles.

    Real love is never been seen in our own expectations and promises.It will come in the right time and with the right person God will give..

  3. It's my comment maam, Apple Tabasa here

  4. Do not empty out oneself for others. We expect because of it. Yes, its good to invest effort for someone but not to the extent that you'll invest all for him or her. life has something to do with sacrifice,so never expect the most that someone or something will stay.. They maybe there once but eventually they'll go leaving us behind.
    Too much expectation goes through disappointment and you'll just let yourself be depreciated. Why not just expect less in order for you not to be stress when time comes that you're about to let go and they're about to leave?,..Thus I'll leave this for you to answer.

    (Grace Aca)
